Climatefarming in northern Senegal

Definition Climatefarming en francais

Definition Climate Farming

Climate farming uses agricultural means to keep carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses from escaping into the atmosphere. Like organic farming, climate farming maintains biodiversity and ecological balance on productive, argicultural land. But climate farmers like Hans-Peter Schmidt go a step further and covert leftover organic mass into biochar, a solid carbon compound that can improve soil quality. Biochar production also creates a kind of gas that can then be burned to help generate power. A climate farm could grow food, generate power, and help keep carbon out of the air.

Climatefarming – Pour une agriculture durable

von Hans-Peter Schmidt

Le climatefarming est souvent décrit comme une méthode agricole au moyen de laquelle du CO2 est prélevé de l’atmosphère et stocké de façon stable dans le sol sous forme de carbone. Ceci pourrait permettre de freiner le changement climatique. Mais le climatefarming, c’est également un concept écologique durable pour l’agriculture du future, qui produira aussi bien des denrées alimentaires que de l’énergie et de l’air propre, encouragera la biodiversité et protégera le paysage.

Au travers de leurs feuilles, les plantes prélèvent du dioxyde de carbone contenu dans l’air et le transforment à l’aide de la lumière, de substances minérales et de l’eau en molécules carboniques. Lorsque la plante meurt ou pourrit, ou si elle est mangée et digérée, les molécules longues de carbone sont de nouveau scindées. Ce processus libère de l’énergie et donc du carbone qui, composé à plus de 99% de CO2, s’évapore dans l’atmosphère. (en savoir plus ...)

Google News: deforestation

Climatefarmingprojekt Öfen für Afrika

Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010

Biochar ball starts rolling in Tasmania. - 29/06/2010

Biochar ball starts rolling in Tasmania. - 29/06/2010

Biochar ball starts rolling in Tasmania.

Biochar experts from around Australia gathered for a day-long workshop in Hobart yesterday to get the ball rolling on biochar developments here in this state.

About 60 people, from landholders to researchers, to government department representatives attended the forum.

Its supporters say biochar is a way to sustainably produce energy, while disposing of bio-waste and providing a product to farmers that can improve their soils and reduce their reliance on fertilisers.

The rewards appear high if biochar projects can get off the ground, and internationally renowned biochar expert Attilio Pigneri from the Australia New Zealand Biochar Researchers Network says the state's one step closer to that after yesterday's workshop.

"We're just one day after the workshop and [so] the enthusiasm is still very strong, so we're really trying to build on that enthusiasm to move forward.

"We actually learned that quite a bit is happening already.

"From the University of Tasmania we heard about five projects [in the] very early stages, but things are happening and now we have these projects connected within the larger Australian and New Zealand network and we're hoping to build on that."

In this report: Attilio Pigneri, Australia New Zealand Biochar Researchers Network

Montag, 28. Juni 2010

DER SPIEGEL 30/2006 - Kohle aus dem Kochtopf

DER SPIEGEL 30/2006 - Kohle aus dem Kochtopf

Grafiken zum Text

Die jüngst entdeckte hydrothermale Karbonisierung hat einen entscheidenden Prozessvorteil: Sie erhält nahezu den gesamten in der Pflanze gespeicherten Kohlenstoff, der bei den anderen Verfahren zu großen Teilen als Kohlendioxid entweicht. Auch muss nur am Anfang Energie zugesetzt werden, da sich der Verkohlungsprozess nach kurzem Anheizen aus der eigenen Wärmepro-duktion selbst in Gang hält. Max-Planck-Forscher Antonietti hat, bei Nutzung von schnellwachsendem Schilfgras, einen Jahres-Hektar-Ertrag von 14 Tonnen Kohle errechnet.

Der Brennwert des gewonnenen Gutes ist somit um ein Vielfaches höher als bei allen anderen bekannten Verfahren. Weniger erfreulich wäre lediglich der Aggregatzustand, sein direkter Einsatz etwa als Autokraftstoff ist nur schwer vorstellbar.

Immerhin ließe sich das schwarze Pulver in einem "Coal to Liquid"-Verfahren zu Benzin oder Diesel weiterverarbeiten - und das in denselben Anlagen, in denen auch BtL-Kraftstoffe gewonnen werden. Die Freiberger Firma Choren, derzeit größter Pionier der BtL-Branche, schätzt die energetische Ausbeute bei der Nutzung von Kohlestaub sogar deutlich höher ein als etwa bei Holz.

Doch die Schaffung neuer Flüssigkraftstoffe zählt für Max-Planck-Forscher Antonietti gar nicht zu den dringendsten Zielen. Für weit wichtiger hält er einen anderen Effekt der Pflanzenverkohlung: Sie könnte im Kampf gegen die Klimaerwärmung helfen, da sie in enormen Mengen Kohlenstoff bindet, der im natürlichen Kreislauf von Wachstum und Verrottung der Vegetation sonst wieder als Kohlendioxid in die Atmosphäre entweicht.

Der weltweite Ausstoß von Kohlendioxid durch die Verbrennung fossiler Ressourcen ließe sich nach Antoniettis Rechnung vollständig kompensieren, wenn die nachwachsenden Pflanzen auf einem Prozent der Erdoberfläche - immerhin 1000 mal 5000 Kilometer - nach seinem Rezept karbonisiert würden.

Das Resultat müsste noch nicht einmal Kohle sein. Wird der Garungsprozess früher gestoppt, etwa nach acht Stunden, entspringt dem Kohle-Kochtopf eine Vorform des schwarzen Grubengoldes, die der Gärtner schätzt: Humus.

Noch schneller als die Verwandlung des Ernteguts in Brennstoff würde die Herstellung hochwertigen und verwitterungsbeständigen Mutterbodens funktionieren - und damit die Gewinnung neuer Ackerflächen zur weiteren Kompensation von Kohlendioxid.

"Akute Ressourcenprobleme", sagt Antonietti, "kriegt die Menschheit vielleicht in 20 Jahren. Ein akutes Klimaproblem haben wir schon heute." CHRISTIAN WÜST

Freitag, 25. Juni 2010



Biochar is the charcoal applied to the soil along with other amendments to enhance the fertility of the soils. Biochar is not nutrient nor food for soil microbes, acts like a catalyst for the soil. Biochar for soil is like coral reef for sea. All other soil nutrients are required to be replenished regularly as per the conventional sustainable practice by the farmer.

Biochar is a recent term, but charcoal plus applications to soil was as old as civilizations existed. Terra Preta in Amazon, RAAB in India, Babito in Camaroon, BOCASHI or Bokashi in Japanese as some of the practices, using Biochar. The Biochar applied in the soil would last more than 1000 years. Even if small amounts of Biochar are applied every year, cumulatively it becomes huge. As we require about 10 tonnes of Biochar per hectare, say 0.5 to 1 ton applied per year in next 20 to 10 years respectively, one could easily reach the desired quantity. It is always good to gradually add Biochar to the soil rather adding all the Biochar in one go. There is also need to add other components along with the Biochar. Incremental Biochar plus application would condition the soil for better colonization by the soil microbes. There won’t be much burden on the environment too. The farmer can plant fast growing species within the field or convert the crop residue or use any other less useful plants in the area for Biochar production and could apply gradually over few years. This practice would be more sustainable and less costly for the farmer. Importing of Biochar from elsewhere should not be encouraged; the worst fears are that forests or other natural vegetation could disappear in those regions. For every ton of Biochar applied into the soil about 3 tons of Carbon dioxide is sequestrated, one should also account the CO2 emissions during Biochar production, transportation, etc. The biochar application is useful as a means of carbon sequestration and mitigating global warming issues too.

Terra Preta is more than 5000 years old practice in parts of Amazon basin until the Europeans arrived. Along with charcoal the rural trash consisting of pottery shards, fish bones, compost, etc. was added to the less fertile acidic soils to improve fertility of the soils. Similarly the rural trash in many villages in India had similar composition till recent past. The charcoal and ash from the traditional stoves, pottery shards from innumerable uses – such as roof tiles, pots, utensils, cultural utility, etc., compost and urine from domestic livestock, fish and animal bones, etc. was part of the rural trash. This was collected in farm yard manure pits, after composting spread in the fields. The charcoal, a byproduct of the traditional stoves is added to the farm yard manure / compost, which gets inoculated with the soil microbes, which was later transferred to the fields.

The value of charcoal was known to Indians and utilized as part of traditional and cultural practices for various purposes. The charcoal was never considered as a waste material. The crop residue burnt in the fields gets converted into charcoal and ash. In the process, the earth (soil) also gets burnt. This practice benefited the soils and farmers since ages (here no comparison with composting the biomass). The slash and burn in the margins of the forests or inside the forests is a very well known practice all over India (although it is no more sustainable because of huge population demands and costing the sustainability of forests). The burning of grass often leads to higher yields or Biochar. Grasslands are burnt accidentally or purposefully. People burn their crop residue in millions of tones in parts of India, more so during the February to July months as part of field preparations. The waste from the potters kiln a combination of charcoal, pottery shards and little ash was always a valuable source for improving the fertility of the soils. Although the addition of charcoal to the soils was existing as a practice, but it was not explicit, it remained as part of traditional best practices in India. As we explore more and more evidences are visible and proves that the Indian farmers were using charcoal since hundreds of years. Because of such good practices agricultural activity is still sustainable in many parts of India.

The exponential population growth, limited access to resources for agriculture, degradation / alkalinity / hardening of soils, food security, climate change and global warming are the various concerns. Biochar is a part of the solution for the above aspects. There is a need to create large scale awareness among the farmers to continue traditional best practices of biochar application and also adopt appropriate best technologies for improving the fertility of the soils and their sustainability. Integrating Biochar production and application locally is a sustainable practice then large scale production and dissemination. The worst fears are about commercialization of Biochar as a product. No one opposes the small and marginal farmers traditional subsistence sustainable systems.


About the author
Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy, Founder and CEO, Geoecology Energy Organisation, has been working on Environment and Development issues since last 14 years. He has worked in majority of states in India and also contributed abroad on Biochar, Rural energy and Environmental aspects. He has done research and studies on Biochar and Biochar compost. Designed 40 good stoves, which are low cost and highly efficient, also working on efficient Charcoal retorts. Ardant believer and campaigner for Open Knowledge. Worked with the government, National and international - agencies, NGOs, Institutions etc., on environmental and developmental issues.

He is presently leading the project "Good Stoves and Biochar Communities (GSBC)", implemented by GEO, supported by France

A Farmer Preparing Biochar Compost

Biochar in the soil

Biochar soaked urine for soil, source of nitrogen for plants

Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010

The Permaculture Approach to Water - Water Matters @ Columbia

The Permaculture Approach to Water - Water Matters @ Columbia

The Permaculture Approach to Water

Permaculture is a grass-roots, ecological design movement whose popularity has grown rapidly in recent years. The concept was created in the 1970s by two Australian ecologists, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The word “permaculture” was initially conceived of as a contraction of “permanent” and “agriculture” – an approach to sustainable food production. To paraphrase the movement’s founders, if traditional agriculture was labor intensive and modern agriculture is energy and resource intensive, permaculture is design and information intensive.

Permaculture has many facets, but one of the most exciting is its approach to water. Permaculture designers believe that through intelligent landscape design, it is frequently possible to go beyond conservation of water to actually recharge groundwater supplies. As far as I know, most permaculture designs have been carried out at a relatively small scale, but results so far seem to show amazing promise that deserves much more study.

The best known permaculture water-conservation demonstration site is undoubtedly the “Greening the Desert” project by permaculture designer Geoff Lawton in Jordan. Through a combination of mulching, contour swales, micro-irrigation and careful planting, Lawton’s team managed, in a short time, to grow food where no one thought it was possible.

The best way to understand what Lawton is doing is to is to watch his video on the topic:

In “Greening the Desert II,” Lawton and his wife Nadia revisit the original project and look at how the permaculture movement has grown in the region.

One of the major intellectual influences on the permaculture approach to water was the work of P.A. Yeomans, an Australian farmer who wrote a book in called Water for Every Farm. Yeomans system was called “Keyline Design.” Keyline integrated contour swales, microdams and other creative, small-scale approaches to conserve and store water in the landscape while building topsoil. In this clip, permaculture designer Darren Doherty explains how keyline design works.

Of course permaculture designers were not the first people to make use of slope and earthworks to control erosion and build soil. Some of the most beautiful and famous ancient sustainable farming designs involved terracing to catch water and grow food on marginal lands.

Terrace Farming In China. Source: Wikipedia

Terrace Farming In China. Source: Wikipedia

Terrace Farming in Uttarakhand, India

Terrace Farming in Uttarakhand, India

In some ways permaculture has a “post-modern” sensibility in that it borrows from ancient farming techniques and indigenous knowledge while also drawing from the most up-to-date understanding and knowledge of geology, biology, physics and systems ecology. In an era of increasingly expensive energy and declining resources, maybe it’s finally time to abandon the “brute force” approach to controlling nature and look to more elegant, whole-systems design strategies such as permaculture as we attempt to envision a more sustainable future.

Epoch Times - Biochar: A Panacea for Global Warming Issues

Epoch Times - Biochar: A Panacea for Global Warming Issues

Biochar: A Panacea for Global Warming Issues

By Cassie Ryan
Epoch Times Staff

Haiti and other Latin American countries are benefiting from an ancient practice that converts waste into essential products and services. Biochar is a sustainable alternative to firewood and charcoal with the power to restore soil productivity, provide energy for domestic, agricultural and even industrial purposes, and mitigate climate change through carbon storage.

In Haiti, the proliferating population’s quest for firewood has deforested this mountainous country, regularly washed by flooding rain. As a result, nearly a third of topsoil has been lost and Haiti can no longer feed itself. The recent earthquake highlighted the fact that many Haitians were subsisting in the country’s cities, forced off the land by the poor soil fertility and the inability to grow food.

Nathaniel Mulcahy, the founder of non-profit organisation World Stove, is using biochar technology to help developing nations.

“Biochar-producing stoves save fuel, reduce both emissions of greenhouse gasses and indoor—and outdoor air pollution,” he said. “In this way, we improve soils, preserve forests and bring better health and economic independence to people.”

Many Benefits

Biochar can be produced from urban, agricultural and forestry residues or biomass – from sugar cane waste and coffee hulls to palm fronds and paper mill pulp. It removes the need to harvest trees for firewood and charcoal by generating syngas and bio-oil for cooking, heating and drying, and even electricity generation. Biochar’s co-product is applied to soils with many carbon sequestration benefits including increased bio-available water and organic matter, enhanced nutrient cycling, and reduced leaching. It can also be used to filter water.

The International Biochar Initiative (IBI) is aiming to store 2.2 gigatons of carbon annually by 2050. This process was used thousands of years ago in the Amazon Basin where, anthropologists speculate, nutrient rich “terra preta” or “dark earth” was created by Indigenous people using cooking fires and middens to deliberately add charcoal to the soil.

IBI is developing cost effective approaches for the widespread introduction of biochar, for example the cocoa industry in Belize, rehabilitation of desert areas in Chile, and increasing agricultural production and rural income in Costa Rica.

Maintaining Traditions

Mr. Mulcahy recently joined the Haitian “building back better” recovery effort by introducing his patented Lucia stove to help locals produce “biochar” pellets. Its unique design incorporates venturi holes for negative pressure plus a Fibonacci spiral-styled flame cap to keep oxygen out of the pyrolisis chamber.

By respecting and maintaining cooking traditions, Mr. Mulcahy says the stove is more readily accepted in different cultures. He believes it is vital the developed world offers the world’s poor a clean efficient stove that fits their needs, rather than the other way around. Allowing users to cook on a gas flame as in “modern” kitchens, they can maintain cooking customs without environmental damage.

Within two months, Mr. Mulcahy redesigned the stove for Haiti’s tools, materials and fuels, prioritising safety as children are often in charge of cooking since the quake.

Mr. Mulcahy has now trained locals to build stoves suitable for domestic use, schools, orphanages, hospitals and refugee camps. The next phase is to work with the Haitian Government, United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and the World Food Programme (WFP) to create stove-manufacturing hubs, thus providing locals with thousands of jobs making and distributing biochar pellets. So far 48 agricultural co-operatives have agreed to provide crop waste for pellet production with farmers receiving a proportionate return of biochar to build soils and increase production.

Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2010

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June 22, 2010
Vol. 18

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The Blue Economy – Report to the Club of Rome
100 innovations – presented weekly over 2 years

Dear reader,

Gunter's presentation at the SusCon in Nurnberg (DE) was well received and the books he brought were all sold out - Are you still looking for Gunter Pauli's Book? We have installed a quicklink via Paypal on the left to order "The Blue Economy - 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs" so a printed version is just one click away.

Chido's workshop about mushroom farming on coffee is getting closer and we are looking forward to meet this extraordinary young woman from Zimbabwe. There are still a few vacant places so feel free to register. It is also possible to participate on just one of the three days for a reduced fee of €80,-. Click here to learn more.

Clean Water without Sewers

Have you ever wondered how our body lets air flow to lungs and food to our stomach? The solution is rather simple, we have valves controlling entrance into lungs and the stomach.

Björn Bellander took a close look at the cost of plumbing in newly-built houses and wondered how to reduce costs. He got inspired by the human body and decided to model a house keeping the human body as a benchmark. His aim was the design of one integrated system with valves, coordinating the flows of water and air, reducing the plumbing, while putting up a control center. The combination of the water and air flows also keeps the pipes clean.

The technology became known as the SplitBox, and the company SplitVision AB was established to commercialize this technique. The greatest advantage is that homes, buildings, schools are now capable of treating all waste water on site. There is no more need to connect to the sewage system. If this were used in new urban designs, then one can eliminate these capital investments and reduce taxes.


Detailed information on the business model and its potential is available at - or as pdf, if you do not wish to register there.

We wish you many inspirations and look forward to jointly changing the way we do business!

Gunter Pauli and the Team of The Blue Economy

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010

Events & Tickets > Kleine Zeitung



Humus - die vergessene Klimachance

Der Dokumentarfilm informiert über die viel zu wenig beachteten Zusammenhänge zwischen Bodenqualität, Landwirtschaft und Klimaveränderung.

Was geschieht unter unseren Füßen? Weshalb können Böden so riesige CO2-Mengen ein- und ausatmen? Haben wir bisher den vielleicht wichtigsten Klimafaktor übersehen – das Leben in den Böden?

In Amazonien haben deutsche Forscher 2000 Jahre alte, extrem fruchtbare Böden entdeckt. Die „Terra-Preta“-Böden wurden von Indianern geschaffen. Aber wie? Nahe Kairo entstand mitten im Wüstensand bester Humus. Was ist das Geheimnis des Aufsehen erregenden „Sekem“-Projektes? In Frankreich wachsen Bäume und Getreide auf denselben Ackerflächen. Liegt hier der Keim für die Landwirtschaft der Zukunft? In der steirischen Ökoregion Kaindorf versucht man auf großen Ackerflächen, Böden durch speziellen Kompost zu verbessern. Was steckt hinter diesem Erfolgsrezept?

Landwirte und Forscher suchen überall auf der Welt fieberhaft nach Möglichkeiten für gezielten Humus-Aufbau. Mit diesem Film begleiten wir sie dabei.

VeranstalterIn: Grüne Akademie


Humus - der Film

Foto vergrößern Humus - der Film Foto © KK


ents & Tickets > Kleine Zeitung

Diese 10 Minuten verändern Ihre Weltsicht!

Diese 10 Minuten verändern Ihre Weltsicht!

Diese 10 Minuten verändern Ihre Weltsicht!

Das ambitionierte Dokumentarfilmprojekt „Humus – Die vergessene Klimachance“ ist fertig gestellt. Der etwa 10 Minuten lange Trailer zeigt Ihnen, weshalb wir einen radikal neuen Ansatz zur Rettung des Weltklimas benötigen.

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010

Marché Maraîcher Africain

Projet TIPA

Partenaire financier : AJWS
Zone d’intervention : Communauté Rurale de Ngoundiane
Durée du projet : un an : 2010-2011

TIPA est basée sur le concept du Marché Maraîcher Africain, partie de l’initiative de l’Assurance de la Nourriture en Afrique, présentée au Sommet Mondial sur le Développement Durable (SMDD) à Johannesburg en août 2002, par MASHAV, le Centre de Coopération International du Ministère Israélien des Affaires Etrangères. La technologie israélienne de développement de l’irrigation est combinée avec l’utilisation de l’eau à basse pression par gravité, ce qui permet au fermier traditionnel de bénéficier des avantages de l’irrigation par goutte à goutte à bas prix. Le projet consiste à mettre à la disposition de chacune des 50 familles bénéficiaires une parcelle de 500 m². Chaque parcelle est équipée en système d’irrigation goutte à goutte type familial. Ceci vise à améliorer les rendements des cultures maraîchères, de faciliter l’écoulement des produits récoltés et de promouvoir des moyens de développement durable en vue de lutter efficacement contre la pauvreté et l’exode rural des jeunes. Une première expérience concluante a été développée dans le village de Keur Yaba Diop dans la communauté rurale de Thiénaba. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans la démultiplication avec la mise ne place d’une autre parcelle de TIPA dans la communauté rurale de Ngoundiane. Après la mise en place du dispositif de production, une ligne de crédit sera ouverte dans la mutuelle de la communauté rurale et une facilitation d’accès offerte aux producteurs qui pourront directement contracter avec la structure financière décentralisée pour financer leur campagne de production. Ce modèle en plus de garantir le financement permet une auto-prise en charge par les populations.


No-till farming saves topsoil (Google / Seattle Post Intelligencer) | DESERTIFICATION

No-till farming saves topsoil (Google / Seattle Post Intelligencer) | DESERTIFICATION

Green Gardening: No joke: No-till farming saves topsoil


Many gardeners are frustrated when their hard work does not pay off. The good news is that it probably is not their fault. The hardpan, clay and sandy soils of the maritime Northwest can challenge even advanced gardeners. If hours of weeding, tilling, watering and feeding have resulted in disappointing yields and frumpy produce, here’s more good news: There is an easier and far more rewarding way.

As bio-intensive gardening expert John Jeavons often points out, conventional agriculture and gardening methods waste dreadful amounts of resources, from time and effort spent watering, to fertilizer and topsoil.

Indeed, for every a pound of food in the grocery store, between two and seven pounds of topsoil are lost. Every important waterway in America is polluted with runoff laden with fertilizers and pesticides. A growing oceanic dead zone now stretches from Texas to Florida, thanks to the cornfields of America.

But wait — there’s even more good news! By adopting no-till and bio-intensive practices, gardeners and farmers alike can heal and preserve our precious resources, from soil and water to the air we breathe.

No-till farming and gardening reflects the knowledge that living soil consists of complex colonies of biota, from tiny bacteria and fungi to earthworms and bugs. Instead of removing crop residues from fields or beds, we leave them to compost in place. New crops are planted among the remains of the old, reducing soil and moisture loss and retaining nutrients that help feed the new plants.

Conventional farming and gardening depletes soil by removing nutrients and humus (compost and decaying plant material). Left in place, that humus builds soil tilth and quality, so crops grow better with less fertilizer and water.

The key to all sustainable gardening or farming is excellent root development. To this end, bio-intensive gardening begins with a one-time deep soil loosening, usually to a depth of 2 feet. Since most gardening (and farming) involves disturbed and degraded soil, the subsequent improvements more than make up for the initial disturbance.

Most bio-intensive gardeners use a method called double-digging to loosen the soil. To try it, mark off a 10-by-10-foot bed and use a garden fork to loosen the soil as deep as you can (usually about a foot). Rake out all weeds and roots. If the soil is dry, water it well, then let it stand overnight. Begin by excavating a trench a foot deep and wide, reserving the soil on a tarp. Try to keep the reserved soil as undisturbed as possible (same side up and unmixed).


More information —

Ann Lovejoy is the author of several gardening books. She can be reached via mail at: 8959 Battlepoint Drive N.E., Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.

The Beat Waste Startup Challenge

The Beat Waste Startup Challenge

re:char-- waste to energy and biochar

re:char designs and builds small-scale power plants (<250 class="video_section">


Paddy rice trial set up 02.06.2010

Paddy rice trial set up 02.06.2010: "

Biochar trial plots were prepared for rice to be planted. Rice is to be soaked for 24 hours then seeded directly onto the plot in around one weeks time. Six plots (5m x 5m), three control and three amended with 40t/ha biochar were set up in a latin square layout.

02.06.2010 Plot preparation in Prey Kroch Village, Krabeil Riel Commune, Pouk District, Siem Reap Province

Rice is expected to be harvested approximately 100 days after planting.

At the other end of the field, trials from last season will also be monitored.

The field had been recently ploughed, and biochar was still clearly visible within the plots from the application on the 21st December 2009.


Samstag, 19. Juni 2010

Reforestation & Biochar: Two Geoengineering Methods That Won't Cause More Harm ... - Treehugger

Reforestation & Biochar: Two Geoengineering Methods That Won't Cause More Harm ... - Treehugger: "


Reforestation & Biochar: Two Geoengineering Methods That Won't Cause More Harm ...
Let's look at a couple of those geoengineering methods which won't cause more harm than good: Biochar and Reforestation/Afforestation. ...

Reforestation & Biochar: Two Geoengineering Methods That Won't Cause More Harm Than Good

by Matthew McDermott, New York, NY on 06. 7.10
Science & Technology (science)

tree planting photo
photo: US Forest Service via flickr

Geoengineering has been a slow burning controversy for some time now, with some truly wacky ideas proposed, as well as some which take a more sober look at the prospect of intentionally tinkering with the climate to stop the effects of human activity disturbing it in the first place. Let's look at a couple of those geoengineering methods which won't cause more harm than good: Biochar and Reforestation/Afforestation.

But Wait! What is Geoengineering?

Geoengineering when it comes to climate change refers to technological methods to reduce the amount of warming that occurs. These can be divided into two broad categories: Those which try to manage solar radiation (injecting aerosols into the atmosphere, mirrors in space, etc) and those which attempt to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere (ocean iron fertilization, artificial CO2 scrubbing trees, etc).

In the eighteen months or so there have been a couple of studies done which attempt to weigh the effectiveness, the speed, and the risks of different geoengineering methods. The Royal Society did one and scientists from the University of East Anglia did another, to name two.

They have slightly different findings than each other, when assessing specific methods' effectiveness and the amount of further research needed to before they are deployed, but in general techniques which remove CO2 from the atmosphere are less risky than those which attempt to manage solar radiation. As for effectiveness, there are ways in either category which could work more quickly and ones which work more slowly.

Often times the quick ways are the ones which carry the greatest risk of creating problems if things don't work as simulations predict. For example, injecting aerosols into the atmosphere to block the sun could work very quickly, but also trigger unintended weather consequences leading to geopolitical problems.

All of which makes slower-working methods like biochar and reforestation/afforestation more attractive.

pine tree saplings photo
Pine trees ready to plant. Photo: Trees For the Future via flickr.

Reforestation & Afforestation: More Trees = More CO2 Sucked From The Sky

If you follow TreeHugger regularly you probably know that the amount of CO2 that a given area of land can absorb changes depending on what a piece of land is used for, how much and what type of vegetation covers it. Higher biomass both above and below ground (think tropical rainforest for the former and boreal forest or forest on peaty soil for the latter) means greater potential for sequestering carbon.

Chop down all the trees in a forest and you've radically lowered the the forest's ability to suck carbon out of the atmosphere. When you replant the land with crops (whether for food or timber) you gain some carbon storage potential back, but it's at best no better than what you had and generally much lower. All of this is why deforestation is such a large component in global warming--nearly as many greenhouse gases are released from chopping down trees as the entire transportation sector.

Which is all a big lead-in to a pretty simple definition: If deforestation is the removal of forest cover, then reforestation is simply planting trees in areas that have been cleared to help regrow the forest; afforestation is planting trees in areas which either have never been forest or haven't been forest in many years.

There's no doubt that reforestation and afforestation could be serious help in reducing the effects of global warming--both the Royal Society and University of East Anglia studies agree on this regard--but if you think about how long it takes for trees to regrow, and all that biomass on the forest floor to rebuild, you can easily grasp that the benefits of planting more trees won't be seen overnight. It's not a switch you can turn on and start sucking CO2 from the atmosphere.

biochar spreading photo
Biochar test plot after two passes of biochar spreading. Photo: Dynamotive Energy Systems.

Biochar: Enriching the Soil, Storing Away CO2

The effects of starting reforestation and afforestation programs are easily visible; the effects of biochar not so much, unless you dig up the soil.

Biochar is essential using charcoal made through pyrolysis of biomass and then burying it mixed in with the soil. It has a long history of use in Amazonia, where it's known as terra preta, for its benefits in making soil more fertile. In regards to long-term carbon storage potential, biochar can work on a millennial scale with, in most cases, no negative soil side effects. Some estimates show biochar having the potential to sequester one billion tons of CO2 each year.

Which, despite being no miracle cure for climate change, sounds really pretty great. The problems with biochar aren't with the technique itself, but with scaling it to a large enough level that it has a global impact. The Royal Society survey says that "substantial research" is needed to prove biochar's effectiveness when deployed widely. Some critics suggest that we'd need to chop down 4% of our forests to deal with half of our carbon emissions.

Clearly chopping down forest to produce biochar is a bad idea, and this really isn't the way to go about it. A more reasonable way is proposed by big biochar backer James Lovelock:

What we have to do is turn a portion of all the waste of agriculture into charcoal and bury it. Consider grain like wheat or rice; most of the plant mass is in the stems, stalks and roots and we only eat the seeds. So instead of just ploughing in the stalks or turning them into cardboard, make it into charcoal and bury it or sink it in the ocean. We don't need plantations or crops planted for biochar, what we need is a charcoal maker on every farm so the farmer can turn his waste into carbon.

Eco-Cooking Eases Climate Change in the Third World - The Epoch Times

Eco-Cooking Eases Climate Change in the Third World - The Epoch Times: "

Eco-Cooking Eases Climate Change in the Third World
The Epoch Times
Non-profit organisations like Sun Fire Cooking, Solar Cookers International (SCI) and Worldstove are offering these communities real alternatives to their ...


Related articles: Science & Technology > Earth and the Environment
Sudanese refugee carrying cooking pots walks at the Djabal Camp, southern Chad, on March 13, 2009. (Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images)


Produced from a growing range of biomass fuels without harvesting trees—from nut shells to animal waste, bamboo and used vegetable oil—biochar generates syngas and bio-oil for cooking and heating while its co-product is applied to soils with many carbon sequestration benefits such as increased bio-available water and organic matter, enhanced nutrient cycling, and reduced leaching. Allowing them to cook on a gas flame as in “modern” kitchens, users can maintain cooking customs without environmental damage.

World Stove has several pilot projects making biochar technology available in Africa. Their large institutional stove, the Biucchi, is being used in women’s shelters and schools in several countries including Burkina Faso. As with solar cookers, indoor pollution is avoided and jobs can be created with small locally owned shops producing stoves specifically altered for local waste and cooking traditions.

Scaling Up

A refugee child carries fire-wood to assist her parents for cooking 06 September 2003 at the Salala Camp in north central Liberia. ( Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty Images)
In 2008, the Senegalese Ministry of Biofuels and Renewable Energy entered an agreement with Solar Household Energy to produce and sell stoves locally, and mobile solar bakeries are now establishing to support communities. Currently, African solar cookers cost up to US$200 and are too expensive for war-affected communities without subsidies. RESPECT International is researching affordable designs and producing an instruction manual on how to build and use these designs based on surveys collected in Liberia about available materials available, and the type of food and cooking habits.

According to IRIN, a project of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, carbon trading could achieve third world sustainability by enabling first world investors to help those most affected by global warming not to pollute. Private-public investment partnerships are vital in places like Africa with its growing number of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects able to massively cut global carbon emissions whilst multiplying energy production levels. United Nations Environmental Program’s (UNEP) Bakary Kante says, “Africa has an enormous potential to be eligible for more investment.”

The bottom line is that these simple initiatives are curbing carbon dioxide emissions whilst also enabling poor people to cope with climate change-related issues and still achieve sustainable, profitable growth—a worthy cause indeed for more researchers and investors to consider.
Since the early 1990s, expanding refugee populations in war-torn Africa have exacerbated problems with access to cooking fuel and clean water. Non-profit organisations like Sun Fire Cooking, Solar Cookers International (SCI) and Worldstove are offering these communities real alternatives to their reliance on firewood and charcoal, a major cause of deforestation and topsoil erosion in Africa, Asia, Latin America and other third world areas.

These carbon-negative projects are successfully linking with local governments and the private sector to stimulate sustainable initiatives. One potential area is for the carbon credit market to fill the gap via carbon offsetting, connecting the developed world’s emissions with solutions for those most at risk from the impact of global warming.

Freitag, 18. Juni 2010

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Vermont Public Radio

Shelburne Farms Experiments With Biochar
Vermont Public Radio
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Biochar increases soil fertility, improves soil water retention
The Prairie Star
Biochar is a soil amendment made by converting manure, crop residue and other bio-waste materials, including sawdust, ...


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US Climate Bill “breaks the mould” of CO2 climate policy
Click Green
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and more »

Biochar, terrapreta - Google News

soil carbon or biochar - Google News

"Biochartechnologies" via Joerg